
They all think that I am brave, The strongest link of our chain, But really I've gotta say that ain't how it's like

Cross my heart and hope to die
May my end come tonight
Across the dark, into the light
May death again us unite

Love, my fate
Will you wait for me there... where our autumn dawns?
There, beyond the dreary seas

Will you wait?
Will you welcome me into your arms once more?
Where our waters still fall free


This tower is alive, the lights that blind keep me awake

Hi! Here's new pics for a long time! I haven't any time to photograph or inspiration, but now I've something to show you! 


Photoshoot Pramatik

Finnish rapper (he's my little brother) Pramatik has released "Mun Päätös" (= My decision) EP today, so check this out guyys!


Photoshoot Oona

Helloo guys! So I was photographing the last weekend with my friend Oona. We have so much fun and I worked really hard with these pictures. What's your favorite pic? (; 

Model: Oona
Topic: Kind of hippie/ Alice in Wonderland stuff
Makeup & clothes: Oona and me
Location: My home, Iisalmi, Finland
All pictures © Emma Laitinen